Channel: Jenny Hansen | Writers In The Storm

Top 10 Writing Success Tips from Kurt Vonnegut

Are Writers Born, or Are Writers Made?

Writing Tip: "Your Mess Is Your Message"

Taking a Break Today


It's Labor Day here in the United States and we hope you are taking a break from your regularly scheduled labors. For those like Jenny with kids to carpool...we hope you follow her example and pawn them off on someone who owes you babysitting favors.… Read the post

The post Taking a Break Today first appeared on Writers In The Storm.

A Strengths-Based Approach To Writing

Why You and Your Characters Deserve some Ikigai

The Importance of Great Mentors (for You AND Your Books)

Top Posts from 2022: The WITS Dynamic Dozen


Every year in January, we love digging into the stats and sharing the posts that got the most views and shares the prior year. Often these posts surprise us, and always they delight us.

Here are the "Dynamic Dozen" for 2022

Every single one of these articles wowed us, and it was interesting to see how many were from a long time ago.… Read the post

The post Top Posts from 2022: The WITS Dynamic Dozen first appeared on Writers In The Storm.

A Big Picture Solution to "The Writing Bottleneck"

The Agony and the Ecstasy of Uncertainty in Writing

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